September marked the end of summer break and return to school. We are excited to welcome back 53 children and five teachers to Veritas Academy, Ikorodu Nigeria!
Playground Fundraiser
Redeemer’s kids ministry at Redeemer’s Church, Roseburg, Oregon selected Children Scholars to be their mission organization to raise funds for at Vacation Bible School. We had the privilege of teaching at the mission station throughout the week of VBS. The children learned what the Bible teaches about helping the poor and needy and also get to make an African style drum and games as crafts. The children and their families were so generous1 They raised $1,704.13 to build a playground structure for Veritas Academy, and there will be extra to go toward tuition costs.
one of the constructed playhouses
We were so thankful to partner with Redeemer’s kids and will have pictures as soon as the playground structure is completed.